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Impedance-matched Differential Superconducting Nanowire Detectors
RF Performance of the GAVRT Wideband Radio Telescope (EuCAP 2010)
Circular Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Achieving Near-Constant Beamwidth Over Multi-Octave Bandwidth: Design and Measurements
A Wideband Receiver for FAST
A Novel Wide Bandwidth Radio Telescope Devoted to Educational Outreach
A Sub-milliwatt 4-8 GHz SiGe
Cryogenic Low Noise Amplifier
Evaluation of biasing and protection circuitry components for cryogenic MMIC low-noise amplifiers
Design of Cryogenic SiGe
Low-Noise Amplifiers
Gain Compression of CITCRYO1-12
Low Noise Amplifier
Manufacturable Cryogenic SiGe
LNA for Radio Astronomy and
Space Communications
Microwave Radiometers from 0.6 to
22 GHz for Juno, A Polar Orbiter around 
The Design and Performance of a
Wideband Radio Telescope for the
GAVRT Program
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